Hello... nice to meet you, readers! Do you like discussing about education issues? Well, I have quite a long experience in the field of education. During my undergraduate studies, I majored in Tarbiyah Faculty and learned a lot about educational sciences.

Until now, I am still interested in reading education books and journal articles, especially those related to Islamic Studies. In the past, I focused on Islamic education and read intensively books such as National Education Reconstruction, Becoming an Inspirational Teacher, and Educational Communication.

Although I now write more about Islamic Studies, I still keep up with the latest trends in the field of education. Since I work as a lecturer, I am still actively involved in the world of education.

Besides, I am also involved in several activities, such as being a manager of the Madrasah Committee at MAN 2 Tulungagung. I am also a supervisor for the IKAPPMAM organization in Tulungagung Branch at Mam'baul Ma'arif Islamic boarding school in Denanyar Jombang, as well as several other institutions.

Oh yeah, I also like to take notes on the results of lectures or sermons that I attend. I collect all of them and turn them into something beautiful. One of my notes is about how to educate children to become pious. The source is from the sermon by KH. Syamsul Abadi Al-Hafidz.

In his lecture, he offers five strategies to educate children to become pious. First, when there is a guest, we should try to serve food. This is not just about opening our hearts to others, but also related to the behavior of parents to be charitable and not stingy. So, our children can also learn to share.

Second, we must prioritize Allah's command above everything else. This is easier said than done, but at least we must continue to strive to teach this to our children.

Third, do not think too much about our own children's lives. As parents, our duty is to provide the best education. Fourth, no parents have succeeded in educating their children alone. We need the help of others to carry out this task well.

Finally, the strategy offered by KH. Syamsul Abadi is to make regular spiritual efforts. This is related to the importance of reciting dhikr (remembrance of Allah) so that there will be help from Allah for our children.

Well, even though this is just one perspective out of many, I think these strategies can be used as a reference for parents and educators in educating their children.

What do you think, friends? Let's share your experiences and ideas about the world of education too!

Original Source: https://www.spirit-literasi.id/2023/03/tirakat-orang-tua-dan-pendidikan-anak.html