We all agree that love is an important thing in life, right? Love makes us feel alive and calls us to interact with others. But according to Gabriel Marcel, love is more than just being physically present. Love is actually about being fully present as a new individual in our interactions with others.

However, it's important to remember that love isn't just about functional interactions, but status as well. When we interact with others, we often use the words "I" and "they". But when we start to feel like "we", that means our relationship with that person becomes more special and unique. Marcel's concept of love is complex because "we" isn't just a complement to the interaction, but a new identity formed through interactive communication with others.

Interactive communication makes relationships more complex and different from regular "I" and "they" relationships. We give meaning to each other, making our communication more active and continuous. The concept of "we" isn't just about unity, but also understanding and shared feelings.

But what happens to the concept of "we" when one of us dies? According to Marcel, "we" is eternal. So even though the components of "we" are no longer together, the feelings and memories we share still exist forever. Death only becomes a hindrance to our interaction with others in this world, but not the end of our relationship with them. We can still connect with the people we love through the memories we share.

Original Source: Original Source: https://www.buletinaufklarung.com/2023/03/gabriel-marcel-cinta-dan-perpisahan.html