Recently, a fantastic event was held in GreenSA Hotel, Sidoarjo, attended by the Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer of all Ormawa representatives from UIN SATU Tulungagung. The event was themed "Upgrading Leadership and Religious Moderation Training for Ormawa UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung 2023", with the tagline "Unleashing potentials, Building Leadership Character, Towards a Civilized Campus". It is such an impressive and meaningful theme!

According to Muniri, the chief organizer, this event was important to enhance the spirit of leadership and religious moderation among the students of UIN SATU Tulungagung. The event commenced with the opening ceremony, followed by leadership and religious moderation material presented by Amirudin Kuba, the Head of Student Affairs Section at the Ministry of Religious Affairs Indonesia.

On the second day of the event, several significant materials were presented. First, there was a socialization of Ormawa guidelines for 2023 presented by Nur Kholis, the Head of Academic and Student Services Sub-Division. He explained the guidelines for organizational letters, as well as the guidelines for facility management and the distribution of Student Activity Units (UKM) facilities.

Moreover, there was a material on the evaluation of Plans and Budgets for State Agencies (RKAKL) and Activity Report Preparation presented by representatives of the financial administration section of the Rectorate. This material discussed the scheme for the submission of student organization funding to the Rectorate, including funding allocation and the deadline for fund absorption in one period.

However, there was a slight hindrance with the implementation of the Soft Skill Character Building training, which was supposed to be conducted from 10.00 AM to 2.30 PM. The facilitator had not yet arrived at the designated time, so the event continued with Sharing Ormawa and Socialization Program of the Student Senate (Sema) and Executive Student Council (Dema) as a replacement. Despite difficulties, the event ran smoothly and provided many benefits to the participants.

Even though there were some obstacles and a slightly disorganized schedule, the Upgrading Organization of Student Activity Units (Ormawa) received positive feedback from the participants. Besides enhancing knowledge of organizational management and funding request to the rectorate, the participants also received soft skills training and were taught how to be responsible leaders. Although there was a little bit of inactivity from some participants, everything went well and was concluded earlier than scheduled. In essence, the participants of the Ormawa upgrading event returned home with abundant knowledge and experience useful for developing their organizations in the future.

It must have been an exciting event! Let us hope for more exciting events like this in the future!