Is ontology too old-fashioned and outdated to be discussed nowadays? That's a question that might come to mind when thinking about this philosophical concept. Ontology, originating from ancient Greece, aims to answer the question of "what exists" in the universe. However, this topic is still being constantly questioned today and can even create problems for those discussing philosophy.

But, there is one famous philosopher named Martin Heidegger who approached ontology from a different perspective. He argued that we cannot solely view ontology as a formal or theological study, but must view it from a broader, objective perspective. Heidegger also emphasized that ontology is important to us because it not only deals with the existence or being of objects, but also with human beings themselves. He coined the concept of "Da Sein" to refer to human existence, but also explained that humans are connected with one another, referred to as "Mitsein."

So, in essence, ontology is still relevant. Despite its origins in ancient Greece, ontology can help us understand the existence of objects in the world, as well as the relationship between humans and others. Don't be afraid to explore topics that have been around since the time of our ancestors, as it may lead to unexpected new perspectives and ideas.