Did you know that writing a book is a serious challenge for lecturers in Indonesia? In addition to managing the tri dharma (teaching, research, and community service), lecturers are given additional tasks that can sometimes be overwhelming. If they don't have proper time management skills, lecturers may not have time to write a book. Their energy and mind are consumed by everyday activities, leaving no room for writing.

The reality is that lecturers often struggle to write a book. It’s no surprise that there are critiques on their productivity. If this continues, many lecturers may lose the opportunity to write a book. This is unfortunate, isn't it?

We have heard criticisms about the productivity of lecturers in writing books. But is criticism enough? Apparently not. We need tangible actions to make a change.

We often long for something that we don't have. For instance, when we are busy longing for leisure time, but when we finally have it, we are confused about what we should do with it. But the lack of productivity in writing a book involves many factors. It's not just about time, but also strong commitment to writing.

Therefore, we can make a commitment in writing, even amidst our busy schedule. Who knows, with this commitment, we can continue to be motivated to write and produce meaningful works. Let's try it!

Writing a book cannot be done instantly. It takes time and perseverance to develop words into a meaningful work. But don't worry if time feels limited and schedules are full because writing one page per day is already a good start.

By diligently writing one page a day, in just one hundred days we can create one hundred pages. We just need to do the editing and refinement afterward. Of course, this requires commitment and consistency to achieve the target of writing one book in one semester.

Aside from setting aside specific time for writing, utilizing time wisely is also important. All challenges can be faced with enthusiasm and a determined effort. So let's start writing our book now!

Writing a book can be a fun and freeing activity for our mind. When we write, we have the opportunity to express our ideas and thoughts freely. This can also be an opportunity to learn new things and broaden our horizons.

We can learn from successful authors to create a productive writing culture. Even though they may be busy with work and other activities, they have found ways to continue writing and producing works. For them, writing is no longer an obstacle, but a challenge that can be overcome.

Therefore, if we want to write a book, let's not allow busyness to become an obstacle. Make writing part of our culture, and don't be afraid to start. Who knows, our work could inspire others.

Original Source: https://www.kompasiana.com/ngainun-naim.berbagi/641d5a8c4addee0d844af3c2/komitmen-dan-konsisten