It's the second day of Ramadan, guys. At the beginning, it's a bit difficult to adjust to this new routine. But hopefully, we can adapt quickly and carry out the fasting smoothly.

Yesterday was a long weekend, which would've been ideal to rest longer at the start of the fasting period. However, unfortunately, some of us had to work. So it was quite a hectic day.

But, I had a Focus Group Discussion with the Director of Islamic Higher Education, which was quite a relaxing event. I found some inspirational insights for developing institutions.

Lately, I've been in the habit of taking notes of important points from any activity, be it a religious lecture, discussion, or Friday sermon. Sometimes, I jot them down in my note-taking app, and sometimes on paper. But these notes can be very helpful as references later on.

At yesterday's event, Prof. Dr. Maftukhin, M.Ag shared some essential things about institution development. Firstly, human resources must be of high quality. Therefore, efforts to increase the number of doctorate holders and professors are continuously being made. Secondly, infrastructure is also crucial to support student needs. Thirdly, inter-institutional collaboration should also be maintained. Fourthly, financial management must be well-handled. And fifthly, general study programs should also be developed.

Subsequently, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Zainul Hamdi, M.Ag spoke about several essential points. Firstly, institutional transformation presents its challenges but can also be an opportunity for further growth. Secondly, digital transformation should also be quickly embraced. And thirdly, internationalization is also crucial to staying competitive globally.

In essence, we must stay enthusiastic and productive during the fasting period. Hopefully, we can carry out the fasting smoothly and successfully. Amen!

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