On Wednesday, March 11th, 2020, HMJ PI held a regular study event on the balcony of Lt. 3 Gd. Arief Mustaqiem. The event was super exciting because it discussed the history of Islamic psychology in Indonesia and IAIN (State Islamic Institute).

Students from other departments also participated and all of them gained new knowledge. We were also able to express our opinions freely without fear of being scolded. Even Zulfa said that she was very satisfied to gain a broader insight.

The speakers at the event were very clever in managing the discussion atmosphere. They did not force the participants to follow their opinions, but instead encouraged us to talk and share our opinions. The event aimed to discuss the history of Islamic psychology in Indonesia and IAIN, especially about Islamic psychology literature that still confuses many people.

Although the discussion was held on a balcony that was windy, everyone was still enthusiastic in discussing until the event ended.

Events like this are very useful for PI students to become students who enjoy discussing, both in class and outside of class. The speakers hope that events like this can continue to be held and attended by PI students in the future.