We all know how strong the bond between twins can be, just like in the tale of "Sudhamala." After Sahadewa's departure, Sakula went in search of him and found him in the village on the outskirts of the Prangalas forest. All of this is thanks to the guidance of Dewi Uma (Parwati).

At first, Bhagawan Tambrapetra wanted to marry his twin daughters, Ni Soka and Ni Padapa, to Sahadewa. However, Sahadewa only wanted to marry Ni Soka because he missed his twin brother, Sakula. He suggested that Ni Padapa be married to Sakula. This shows how strong the bond between twins can be. They are willing to share, not compete.

Suddenly, Sakula, who was sent to find Sahadewa, also felt the same longing for his brother. So, Sakula was married to Ni Padapa. Therefore, both families finally met. Dewi Kunti, along with Yudhistira, Bhima, Arjuna, and two Punakawan, came to meet them in Prangalas.

After reuniting, the Pandawa family said goodbye to Tambrapetra, Ni Soka, and Ni Padapa. They had to return to their country, Amartha, because an important task was waiting for them: they had to enter into battle against the Kurawa side, who were assisted by two powerful giants, Kalantaka and Kalanjaya.

The story teaches us how strong the bond between twins can be. It's truly beautiful to see!