Dunia Sophie is a novel by Jostein Gaarder that discusses the development of ancient Greek philosophy. The novel was first published in 1991 in Norwegian with the title Sofie's Verden. Through his book, Jostein Gaarder provides a brief lesson on the history of philosophy with language that is interesting and easy to understand.

At one point in the novel, Sophie Amundsend, a 14-year-old girl, receives a mysterious letter from an unknown sender. She also receives strange letters addressed to Hilde Moller Knag. The letters contain messages from Hilde's father for her birthday. Sophie believes that the sender of the mysterious envelope, the questions inside it, and the letter to Hilde are all related.

Sophie's philosophy lessons continue as she receives a large brown envelope containing pages about the history of philosophy. The pages also contain some keywords for questions that Sophie has not been able to solve. The lessons continue until one day the sender of the letters, Alberto Knox, introduces himself to Sophie. He is an old man who lives in a shack behind Sophie's house with his beloved dog. Alberto has been sending letters to Sophie as a means of teaching her about the world beyond what she knows.

In addition to learning about the history of philosophy and its figures, Sophie also learns about Christianity, including the Old and New Testaments, the Semitic and Israelite peoples, and the Prophet Jesus (Isa) from a Christian perspective.

However, Sophie herself is a fictional character created by Hilde's father as a learning material for his daughter. This is revealed by another point of view in the novel, which shows that Sophie is a fictional character. The reality that she is a fictional character for Hilde is supported when Sophie tries to interact with Hilde but receives no response from her.

The philosophy lessons between Sophie and Alberto end with a big bang. Hilde has met her father, who works at the United Nations, and he tells her about the solar system. This can be referred to as the Big Bang theory or a cosmological theory. Her father also explains that there will be a big bang, which is in line with what God says in the Bible.

Overall, Jostein Gaarder's novel is very interesting to read and offers a valuable lesson on the history of philosophy.

Original Source: https://dimensipers.com/2023/02/07/sejarah-filsafat-dalam-baluran-fiksionalitas-dunia-sophie/