On Wednesday, September 2, 2020, a debate ensued among several student groups in an institute about Extra Campus Student Organizations (OMEK). The Unit Activity Student (UKM), Campus Activity Unit (UKK), and Student Community (KM) groups were concerned as OMEK was recruiting new members after the Academic and Student Culture Introduction Event (PBAK) ended, before the inauguration and internal recruitment were carried out. Although OMEK's recruitment was part of their cadre regeneration, UKM/UKK/KM felt it could cause problems on campus. Therefore, they proposed an article to restrict OMEK's movements on campus. This issue continued to cause anxiety among UKM/UKK/KM institutions.

In a student council meeting, there was a proposal to add a new article regulating the recruitment of student organizations. However, some opposed this proposal on the grounds that it would conflict with Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Permenristekdikti) No. 55 of 2018. The one who opposed the proposal was the Chairman of the Student Executive Board (Dema), who turned out to be a cadre of one of the OMEK institutions.

The Chairman of Dema stated that OMEK's entry into the campus was regulated in Permenristekdikti No. 55 of 2018 and OMEK institutions were permitted to form UKM PIP (Pembinaan Ideologi Pancasila/ Pancasila Ideology Development) as a response to religious radicalism entering the campus. However, after further research, OMEK's entry into the campus should merge into one and be accommodated by a UKM PIP forum. The rationalization brought by the Chairman of Dema was not yet in-depth because the proposed article could still be adjusted to Permenristekdikti No. 55 of 2018.

In Article 3 Paragraph 3 of Permenristekdikti No. 55 of 2018, it is stated that student organizations can involve or collaborate with extra campus student organizations in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations. Therefore, if needed, OMEK can enter into UKM PIP. Permenristekdikti No. 55 of 2018 also emphasizes that OMEK's entry must comply with the regulations that apply on each campus.

However, if Permenristekdikti No. 55 of 2018 has not been socialized at IAIN Tulungagung, then these regulations cannot be implemented on that campus. Therefore, the rationalization brought by the Chairman of Dema still raises questions about whether he really wants to protect OMEK from rules that limit the existence and movement of OMEK on campus. Hence, there needs to be an official clarification from the Chairman of Dema regarding his rejection of the article proposal submitted by UKM/UKK/KM group.

After a very long debate, the UKM/UKK/KM groups finally won the proposed recruitment article. However, this rule will not be implemented because the lecture is conducted online, so OMEK will not conduct an open recruitment on campus. Nevertheless, this issue is also felt by the Chairman of Dema who rejected the addition of this article. Thus, this debate is considered in vain by both parties.