On August 28, 2022, the Center for Philosophy and Theology Studies (PKFT) in Tulungagung held a discussion with an interesting theme, "Challenges of Young NU Intellectual Da'wah in the Development of Digital Society." The event was attended by Prof. Nadirsyah Hosen, Ph.D., the Rais Suriah of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Special Branch in Australia and New Zealand (ANZ), as well as several youth organizations such as the Ansor Youth Movement and the Nahdlatul Ulama Scholars Association (ISNU) in Tulungagung.

During the discussion, participants discussed the position of humans in the rapid development of technology and digitalization. Moreover, the phenomenon of social media which has become a world in itself, like when someone shares their selfie on social media. However, what is interesting is when Gus Nadir mentioned that in Indonesia, the phenomenon of digitalization is still largely discussed in the framework of halal-haram, while the world has already discussed about the metaverse and artificial intelligence (AI). Nevertheless, Gus Nadir emphasized the need to evaluate this matter.

In the dynamics of technological development and trends in education, there are two patterns that emerge. First, those who are adaptive will eventually be able to adjust to the pattern of technological change. Second, those who are less capable of adapting will be left behind and eroded. As an example, during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, we struggled to adapt to the teaching model using zoom media.

However, not only following the emerging technology pattern, but we also need to sort and select, filter before sharing, as stated by Gus Nadir. Indonesia still has many spaces for analysis, such as bahtsul masail or legal space, which can be used to discuss technological developments.

The discussion flowed smoothly, full of typical Nahdliyin humor. All the questions asked by the audience were given basic conclusions that could be further sharpened. Gus Nadir did not provide definitive answers but rather focused on sharpening the questions and analyzing with more critical questions. This created a dialectic among the audience according to their respective perspectives.

In conclusion, Gus Nadir hoped that the forum for study and discussion could run consistently. And if given the opportunity to return to Tulungagung, the discussion could dialectically discuss sustainable themes.