The baritan tradition is one of the age-old traditions that still exists and is practiced by the Javanese community, especially in Blitar. This tradition relates to the people's beliefs regarding nature and is used for the purpose of Earth's offerings as well as preventing disasters, including the corona pandemic that continues to afflict many victims.

During the baritan event, villagers of Kemlaka, Nglegok, Blitar Regency, conduct rituals around their surroundings by bringing ambeng and various dishes. Dressed respectfully, the villagers devoutly follow the ritual led by religious figures in the area. They hope that with the baritan ritual, the pagebluk season that affects Indonesian citizens, especially those in Blitar, will quickly disappear.

The baritan tradition is not only used during disasters, but also used to create a social, humanistic, and harmonious way of life. The tradition in Javanese society is a form of conviction and submission that everything that happens is a setting by the Creator.

Although the baritan ritual is performed jointly by people of all ages, they still comply with the government protocol by maintaining distance and using masks. The baritan ritual is a form of social activity in the form of traditional ceremonies that is part of the ancestral heritage still embedded in Javanese society's life. This tradition represents a realization of the harmony between human relations, the universe, and the Creator. By maintaining and preserving traditions like this, it is hoped that the wealth of Javanese society's traditions and culture will continue to thrive for future generations.