By M. Dwi Cahyono

One of the interesting things about literature is its ability to present funny and entertaining scenes that can make readers smile or laugh. These scenes usually serve to reduce tension, criticize social conditions, or show the human side of characters. In Indonesian literature, we can find many examples of funny and entertaining scenes, both in old and modern literature.

In old literature, we can see funny and entertaining scenes in the Javanese puppetry world. Here, there are punokawan characters who like to make people laugh with their funny behavior and speech. There are Semar, Gareng, Petruk, and Bagong. They are loyal servants of the Pandawa family who always accompany them in various adventures. In some stories, only Semar is the punokawan. He is the wisest and oldest character among them. He also likes his funny and naive behavior that often confuses people.

But, there is one naughty scene involving Semar. In the Tegowangi Temple relief, Semar is peeking at the love scene of a newlywed couple from outside the room. Unfortunately, he falls from his perch and Sadewa, who is inside, hears his voice. As a result, Semar is married to Ni Soka, who was previously the subject of his peeping. This scene shows the humorous and ironic side of Semar, who is actually a holy and powerful character.

But, Semar's scene didn't just happen in the past. In the past, teenagers often peeked at love scenes secretly, especially when there was a new couple. They often used sticks or sharp objects to puncture or enlarge the gaps in the weave to see more clearly. But, they have to be careful not to get caught. This scene usually appears in folk tales or fairy tales that aim to entertain or educate children.

In modern literature, we can also find funny and entertaining scenes that use everyday language or slang. For example, in Andrea Hirata's novel "The Rainbow Troops," there is a scene where Ikal and his friends try to enter a cinema by disguising themselves as young children. They wear colorful clothes and funny hats to fool the cinema guard. But, their plan fails when the cinema guard realizes that they are students from the poor and naughty SD Muhammadiyah Belitung.

Funny and entertaining scenes in literature can provide pleasure and joy for readers. In addition, these scenes can also provide moral messages or social criticism that are hidden behind laughter. Thus, literature is not only a means of entertainment, but also a means of education and enlightenment. 

Hoalah Semar, Semar, ono-ono wae, he he he. I apologize if it is not pleasing to read. Thank you. 

KA Brawijaya TA-Mlng, March 19, 202$


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