Have you ever heard of Bima Yudho? He's quite famous on Tiktok, but lately he's been getting a lot of criticism for his commentary on Lampung's development. In one video, he even referred to Megawati as a "widow," causing a stir on social media.

Despite being controversial, Bima's videos continue to go viral. One of the most talked about clips includes an interview of Najwa Shihab with Ganjar Pranowo regarding the cancellation of Indonesia as the host of the U-20 World Cup. Bima added his own comment and criticized both sides.

However, not everyone feels entertained by Bima's behavior. Many netizens feel that his comments are over the top and disrespectful to Megawati. Some have even questioned his attitude and called him "arrogant."

But there's good news for Bima - the investigation against him under the Information and Electronic Transactions Act has been dropped. It seems that the police did not find any wrongdoing in Bima's actions, and the case has been dismissed.

Of course, Bima's critics are not happy with this. Some even accused him of using controversy to gain more fame on Tiktok. But whatever your opinion, it's clear that Bima's videos have sparked a lot of discussion and debate on social media.

In the end, we all have the right to express our opinions and criticize the government if we feel that they are not doing their job properly. But let's not forget that there is a right way and a wrong way to express our opinions. Let's stay responsible and express our opinions with respect and constructively, my friends.