Currently, the word "eksis" is trending everywhere - on social media, television, radio, and even in real life conversations. The origin of this word comes from the English word "exist", which means "to be" or "to live". In general, "eksis" means an individual's desire to be acknowledged by others.

In the past, only officials, celebrities, businesspeople, and religious figures were recognized by society. However, thanks to technology and social media, anyone can now become "eksis". Many people use social media to show their existence, ranging from ordinary people to famous politicians. 

However, sometimes people become addicted to being "eksis" on social media, leading them to obscure their true selves. Thus, it is essential to control ourselves when using social media.

Being "eksis" has now become a need for many people. As humans, we tend to fulfill our needs once our more basic needs are met. Human needs consist of five categories: physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization. "Eksis" falls under the category of needing to be acknowledged, loved, and valued by others.

In this era, the desire to be "eksis" has become a new culture among university students. They use social media to promote their events with attractive designs to attract others. Even university organizations compete to attract attention by creating flashy posters for their activities.

On campus, being "eksis" is very important, especially for student organizations. Usually, they use social media to promote the events they've created. The irony is that sometimes they are too focused on creating attractive designs without considering whether their activities benefit other students. As a result, their events become simple gatherings without making a positive contribution to others. Therefore, it is crucial for us, as university students, to ensure the essence of the activities we create, not just focus on the existence of our organization. If the activity is genuinely beneficial, it will undoubtedly be more attractive than just an ordinary gathering.

You must have participated in university organization activities, right? It is exciting to attend a talk show or a writing competition. However, some organizations only focus on looks and forget to make meaningful activities. It's frustrating to attend events without giving a positive contribution.

Therefore, as university students, we should be more concerned about the essence of the activities we create. Activities that benefit other students will undoubtedly be more fun and less wasteful of our time. If the university organization wants to be "eksis" and known, they should create a clear and well-planned concept for their activities. The purpose should be beneficial to many people or be a way to create a better change.

For example, if we want to make students prefer reading and discussing, we can't just ask them to read or attend a discussion. We also need to provide adequate facilities and great ideas that will attract them. We can provide many good books or enough garbage bins, then ask the cleaning staff to set a good example for other students.

Not only that, if we want to create exciting discussion events, we need to create an excellent concept that benefits many people. Students should not only be consumers of knowledge, but also producers. Therefore, discussions should allow everyone to learn and contribute. We should not just create a platform for our own visibility.

In conclusion, we must continue to learn and progress to create even better changes. Let's keep up the spirit!