By Dwi Cahyono

Hey guys, back in 1996, Gatra magazine awarded "Gatra Kencana" to Ki Siswondo Harjo Suwito, the boss of the legendary Ketoprak group "Siswobudoyo". Then in 2010, the Governor of East Java also gave an award to him. It's really cool to receive such awards, especially since Ketoprak Siswobudoyo was well-known in its time and has received several awards.

Oh, by the way, there's a cultural building in Tulungagung called Taman Budaya "Ki Siswondo HS" Tulungagung. The name is so cool and immortalizes him. I hope on June 20, 2023, the 65th anniversary of Ketoprak Siswobudoyo, the Tulungagung government can also give a posthumous award to Ki Siswondo HS. It seems very appropriate because the Tulungagung area is known as a "Region of Art" which is very cool.

Anyway, tonight (March 15, 2023), my friends and I visited the wife's house of Ki Siswondo HS in Gurah, Kediri. We were also invited to reminisce with Mas Didik Nini Thowok, who has often been a guest star in Ketoprak Siswobudoyo shows since the 1970s. It was really exciting to meet the Siswobudoyo family and get the artistic spirit from Pak Sis and Ketoprak Siswobudoyo. Hopefully, their artistic spirit can inspire and strengthen the Ketoprak culture in Tulungagung and other areas in Java. Please pray for them, guys!

Kediri, March 16, 2023