Hi, friends! I want to talk a little bit about politics in our country that is causing a stir. Many individuals claim to be heroes of the people and to defend justice, but are they really looking after the interests of the people or their own interests?

Me and thousands of others watch this power struggle drama from the sidelines. And often we feel frustrated and disappointed because there are no concrete outcomes. Politicians are busy fighting for positions and showcasing their power without thinking about the real quality and results that will benefit the people.

But, as good citizens, we should not just remain silent. We must have rights and demands that are in line with what we pay for. Those who hold positions of power must work in a tangible way and not just talk empty promises. We must also be critical in choosing our leaders, not just tempted by sweet promises without any real proof.

Although sometimes we are fed up with politics and feel tired of talking about it again and again, we must not give up. We must continue to fight for our rights as citizens. Let's build a better country together by choosing leaders who really care about the people.

So, friends, let's become a part of the change we want. We should not just be spectators in the backseat, but actively fight for our rights as citizens. Warm greetings from the sidelines!