Recently, we were surprised by the news that China successfully mediated peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran. This is noteworthy as the two nations are often embroiled in disputes and mutual accusations. Many regarded the root of the problem as political competition, mainly regarding the struggle for power in the Middle East and differences in oil and gas management policies.

However, in Indonesia, some still view the feud between Saudi Arabia and Iran as a conflict between Sunni and Shia. This is problematic as the two countries have Shia and Sunni citizens living together peacefully. The conflict between them becomes more complicated after Iran's revolution, and it has been narrowed, viewed only as a Sunni-Shia conflict.

Although the complexity of the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Iran, as well as China's role as a mediator, cannot be dismissed entirely. Even though Saudi is viewed as the representative of Sunni and Iran as the representative of Shia, this division is flexible and does not always reflect the actual political reality. The Sunni vs. Shia issue is just superficial, and it is perhaps made to conceal the actual conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

We were surprised that Saudi Arabia and Iran ended their lengthy feud with a handshake marking peace, which was mediated by China instead of the usual America. In any case, peace is always good, even if there are interests or agendas behind it. However, there are still some issues that need to be resolved even though Saudi Arabia and Iran have made peace, and this must be done peacefully and diplomatically.

Therefore, let us welcome this good news and hope that peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran can continue to prosper. Let us also hope that China's mediation efforts can be a positive example for other nations in resolving conflicts through peaceful and diplomatic means.