Judul Asli            : The Oldman and The Sea
Penulis               : Ernest Hemingway
Tahun Terbit          : 2016 (Kelompok Penerbit Gramedia), setelah sebelumnya pernah diterbitkan pertama kali di Amerika Serikat pada 1952, dan beberapa penerbit lain di seantero dunia pada periode-periode berikutnya.
Tebal Buku            : 116 hlm + vi 

Penerjemah            : Sapardi Djoko Damono 

The novel tells the story of Santiago, an elderly fisherman who experienced an 84-day fishing drought. However, Santiago had an unwavering determination to never give up. He eventually caught a large and powerful Marlin fish, but his struggle was far from over. He had to fight off a group of hungry sharks who attempted to steal his catch.

Although Santiago was a religious person, he was also fierce and unafraid of his adversaries, which in this case were the ravenous sharks. Other characters featured in the novel include Manolin, a kind-hearted young boy who accompanied Santiago on his fishing trips, and Pedrico, the owner of Teras cafe. The names of the baseball players mentioned at the beginning and end of the book merely serve as a side note to the story.

Despite being portrayed as a simple person, the story of Santiago is inspiring, demonstrating a powerful message of perseverance against adversity. The novel's author, Ernest Hemingway, was known for his unique writing style which employed simple, yet meaningful and profound words. The pacing of the story is slow and solemn, while the setting only consists of two main locations: Santiago's wooden shack and the open sea of the Gulf of Mexico, where he fishes and catches the giant Marlin.

Other locations referenced include Teras cafe, Manolin's house, and the factory that cans sardines, helping to further paint a picture of Santiago's humanity. Although the story is simple, it is captivating and imparts a deep message with valuable takeaways.

While Hemingway's religious beliefs may differ from others, his work is still highly regarded and deserves attention. The Old Man and the Sea received the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and holds significant spiritual value. The strength of the novel lies in Hemingway's simplistic yet memorable writing style, which provides a nod towards modern literature. Even though Hemingway passed away 59 years ago, the novel continues to receive high praise.

The novel's significance is subjective and can vary depending on the reader's interpretation. If you can understand the message embedded within the story, then there is no reason to ignore its importance. It may leave readers contemplating Santiago's struggle and questioning why an elderly and lonely man must strive to battle the unforgiving sea. Or perhaps readers may analyze the variables that led Hemingway to choose the title, The Old Man and the Sea.

Regardless, the important thing is to enjoy the literary work. If you understand the lessons or morals conveyed, then you can take inspiration from Santiago's character and apply it to your life. It teaches the value of not fearing old age, and how to persevere in the face of adversity, much like how Santiago did in the novel.

Overall, it is hoped that readers can appreciate the literary work of Hemingway and extract valuable moral lessons to apply to their own lives.