The Student Election (Pemilwa) of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (FTIK) on December 30, 2022 showed a discrepancy in the number of Permanent Voter Data (DPT) used with the applicable regulations. Student Regulation No. 1 of 2022 states that the number of DPT for the election of the Student Executive Council (Dema-F) is 10 percent of the total number of active students in each department, while the voting rights of each study program are 10 percent. However, in Pemilwa FTIK Decree No. 5 of 2022 regarding the Amendment of the DPT for the Election of FTIK Dema Chair and Vice Chair, it was determined that the DPT for the election of the FTIK Dema Chair and Vice Chair in the 2022 Pemilwa amounted to 426 students.

This shows that the FTIK Student Executive Board Election Committee (KPUM FTIK) did not comply with the applicable regulations and raises questions as to why KPUM FTIK used a different number of DPT than the applicable regulations. According to Adit, one of the members of the FTIK Student Executive Board and Presidium III in the Special Session for the formation of FTIK Perma No. 1 on Pemilwa, it is actually not allowed if the DPT is less than 10 percent because it clearly contradicts Perma-U and Perma FTIK. However, KPUM FTIK argues that 10 percent is the maximum limit and that DPT below 10 percent is not a problem.

This phenomenon shows a decrease in understanding of the hierarchy of regulations and raises questions about the usefulness of the Special Session which has regulated the number of DPT if it is not used in the end. Therefore, this should be a concern for KPUM FTIK and related parties to ensure that the applicable regulations are properly enforced in future Pemilwa.

Original Source: Sebuah Refleksi Dari Pemilwa FTIK 2022 | DIMëNSI (