Education is crucial for all children, regardless of their social status. Unfortunately, many education systems restrict children and make them feel inferior. There is a concept of education called banking education which treats teachers as gods and students as mere receptacles of knowledge. This often happens in schools where the majority of students come from lower-class families.

However, there is a more empowering concept of education proposed by Paulo Freire that emphasizes critical thinking and dialogue. This concept of freedom in education can also be applied to campus politics.

Sometimes, campus organizational leaders can be selfish and make policies that only benefit themselves, which is not good for democracy. As students, we need to be actively involved in campus politics and oversee leaders so they do not create rules that harm the community. If there are unjust rules, we should fight to change them. We must cultivate critical and transformative thinking so that we can become agents of change who can bring positive impacts to society.

In essence, as students, we must fight against oppression and improve campus governance to make it better. We need to strengthen our critical and transformative thinking to become watchful guardians who oversee leaders and fight for the interests of the community. Let us struggle together to strengthen a healthy democracy!

Original Source: Paulo Freire: Misi Pembebasan via Jalur Politik (