In determining the date of Eid al-Fitr, many pesantrens still use the hisab method. However, this decision still receives pros and cons among the public. One of them is Miftahul Huda Pesantren, Gading Pesantren, Malang, which sets 1 Shawwal falls on Friday, April 21, 2023, together with friends from Muhammadiyah.

Gading Pesantren, one of the pesantrens with 24-carat Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) essence, has strength in falak. Since then until now, this pesantren has used the hisab method to determine 1 Shawwal. But does this decision make this pesantren removed from the NU pesantren list? No. Even one of the Gading pesantren's ustadh who is an expert in falak, Ust. Ali Murtadho (Allah yarham), is one of the founders and caretakers of Sabilur Rosyad Pesantren, along with KH. Marzuki Mustamar, the Chairman of Tanfidziyah PWNU East Java service period 2018-2023.

Not only that, Gading Pesantren has also celebrated Eid differently from what the government decided. However, there has never been any commotion with the surrounding community. Usually, those who participate in Eid prayer in this pesantren are the pesantren's students and surrounding community who acknowledge it. The hisab results only apply internally to the pesantren. Nonetheless, there is no obligation for each student to follow it.

For most Gading Pesantren students, following the pesantren's decision regarding 1 Shawwal than others, including the government, is a guarantee of religious truth. It is the humility of NU students towards their kiai. For example, when NU decided on Eid al-Fitr differently from the government's decision in 1992 or 1993, this decision made a Muhammadiyah figure in the village feel unhappy. However, as a village-level NU kiai, the father still followed the PBNU decision, which eventually became the right choice.

In determining when Eid al-Fitr falls, it is good for us to understand that the main criterion is to look at the hilal. However, based on the hadith Bukhari "shumu li ru'yatihi wa'fthiru li ru'yatihi," the hisab method may still be an option for some pesantrens. However, the most important thing is to maintain interfaith relationships and respect the choices of each pesantren and the community. We can also learn about the humility and attitude of respecting decisions from NU students who are very obedient to their kiai.