The Student Senate (SEMA) of the Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab, and Dakwah (FUAD) conducted a socialization of the FUAD Festival 2021 on their Instagram account @SEMAFUAD on August 2nd, 2021. The purpose of this socialization is to prepare prospective members of the Electoral Supervisory Board (BAWASLU) and General Election Commission (KPU) to be better prepared for this year's democratic event. The SEMA FUAD's Commission II, which led the socialization, wants to ensure that preparations are well-organized.

According to Syarifah, the SEMA FUAD Chairman, the socialization of the FUAD Festival is considered very important, although it was done quickly. Prior to this, SEMA FUAD had consulted with the Vice Dean III of Student Affairs regarding the planned implementation of the FUAD Festival. However, the implementation system of this year's FUAD Festival is still in the raw concept stage and is not yet clear. The SEMA FUAD Chairman added that coordination with KPU and BAWASLU would be conducted to determine the appropriate implementation system.

There is a difference in the FUAD Festival this year, namely with the formation of a Council for Consideration Oversight as SEMA FUAD's effort to overcome disputes that have not been resolved. The SEMA FUAD Chairman explained that SEMA FUAD had prepared a consideration oversight team to address disputes that cannot be resolved by the BAWASLU team. This team will be authorized by the Vice Dean III of Student Affairs.

The socialization of the FUAD Festival by SEMA FUAD was also a promotion for the Open Recruitment of the FUAD Festival team so that the maximum number of festival teams could be reached. The Open Recruitment will be conducted in the midst of PBAK.