In today's society, freedom is a word that we often hear. Especially as college students, we feel more free in many ways, such as socializing, dressing, thinking, and so on. We are not burdened by demands from various sources. In fact, we can interact with more people in the college world.

We want freedom so that others do not interfere too much in our personal affairs. According to Paul Sieghart, freedom means satisfying curiosity, acquiring information, developing ideas, and learning from experiences. According to Pan Mohamad Faiz, Rawls states that freedom is as important as political freedom, freedom of expression, and freedom of religion.

Rawls considers freedom in basic rights as the highest value. Each person should have an equal opportunity to occupy a certain position and create a just society. Thomas Hobbes stated that a free person is someone who can use their strength and intelligence to express themselves and do what they want. In this regard, freedom can result in justice.

Rawls developed the idea of justice principles with the concept of the original position. He sought to create an equal situation among all individuals in society so that there is no higher position in social status, position, power, ability, intelligence, and others. Equality is very important to create a balanced life. Rawls also said that "justice is good for social institutions."

Political justice is divided into two, natural justice and conventional justice. Social justice is the basis of national life in Indonesia. The theory of justice as fairness from Rawls states that every person has an equal right to freedom, and if there is injustice, then those left behind should be advantaged. The government has a responsibility to take care of less fortunate members of society. Justice must be achieved through rational, free, and democratic discourse so that it can be implemented in daily life.

When we talk about justice and freedom in democracy, we often see many forms of it. One of them is the General Election (Pemira), where people compete to get a seat in office. Sometimes, their motivations are purely to improve the system, but sometimes they are only tempted by money and power. In situations like this, the values of justice and freedom are often ignored.

Democracy can become very heated and unhealthy when politicians begin to fight for their personal interests and justify any means to achieve their goals. As educated students, we must uphold the values of justice and freedom in everything we do around us. We must use reason and heart before doing things that can make us regret in the end. We must prove the truth with facts, not just empty words.